Thursday, July 15, 2010
So much to say...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Update on life... NOT FOOD
Over the last few months a few things have come to light. No, plans have not changed too drastically, I still plan to move this summer to be closer to my internship which I finally DID get pre-approved for which made me ecstatic to say the least, my graduation is still set for December 2010! and I'm still not enjoying life here.
Some things that have changed are as follows and I'm trying to not be too sad about this but I went into the doctor the other day to talk about some health issues I had been having which I always associated with bronchitis or asthma. Turns out it's a disease called costachondritis; basically the muscles between my rib cage and the cartilage that attaches the ribs to the sternum are inflamed and causes the pain. Ok, so not a big deal; I'm getting over it just means pain and managing that pain.
The doctor sent me out for a few tests and x-rays. Results came back and apparently I have scoliosis. GREAT! Is there anything that I won't have before I die or am I about to keel over? Scoliosis is still a little bit of a schock but at least it's not the fibromyalgia they WERE talking about; that would be worse!
Moving on, nothing else has been going on. I still throw myself in school and some say I will regret that later but I honestly don't think I will. It's not that I pass up opportunities to hang out or go out; the chance just never presents itself. Therefore I am looking forward to December and January where I can begin to work full-time and not worry about homework, papers and tests. Is it bad that I want to go back to work?
I'm sure some people will tell me, yes and that I'm crazy. But really I worked full time for a year and I thought I would love being in school but I'm finding that I really just want to go back to working full-time; even if it meant going back to my old office. Maybe these thoughts only come because I am taking 18 credit hours a semester with 6 courses and 2 labs. I don't know, but I really just want to get done.
That's about all I have to update on me thus far. I will do better to keep the updates more regular and look for more blogs on my travel blog as I go to Georgia in 2 weeks; I'm really trying to have it all updated BEFORE I go.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Chipotle Steak Tacos with Pineapple Salsa and Peach Cobbler
This week I was emailed a recipe for Chipotle Steak Tacos with a Pineapple Salsa and thought, 'hmm, this might be interesting'... Oh, it was VERY interesting and delicious!
-12 Soft Corn Tortillas
-1 Tsp Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
-1 Tsp Chipotle Chili Powder
-1 Tsp Kosher Salt
-1 Lb Flank Steak beef
-1 Pineapple, peeled, cored, and cut into 1/2 inch rings
-1 Red bell pepper, finely diced
-1/2 cup Red Onion
-1/4 Cup Chopped Fresh Cilantro
Preheat a grill to medium heat. Combine oil, Chipotle powder and 1/2 tsp salt in a small dish. Rub the mixture on both sides of the steak.
Grill the steak 4-6 mins per side or until desired doneness. Grill pineapple rings until moderately charred, 1-2 mins per side (I did just until they were light brown). Remove grill and pineapple from grill and let steak cool for 5 mins before slicing into thin strips.
Dice the pineapple and transfer to a medium bowl. Add bell pepper, onion, cilantro and a pinch of chipotle powder and the remaining 1/2 tsp salt. Toss to combine.
Serve the sliced steak in warm tortillas with the pineapple salsa.
This week I wanted to make the EASIEST dessert I know of. When you read this blog you might think it's too good to be true, but I promise you, it is not and I love the dessert.
-2 (16 oz) cans of sliced peaches with juice
-1 Dry Yellow Cake Mix
-1 Stick of butter
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lay peaches in the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Top with the cake mix and melt the butter then drizzle it on the cake mix. (I know the picture doesn't depict that but now I know for next time!)
*Note: Not all of the cake mix will be moist or baked, but it will still be delicious!*
Until Next week, ENJOY!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Mexibake and Blueberry muffins
-1 Lb Ground Beef or Turkey
-1 Can Diced Tomatos (~14 Oz.)
-1 Can Mexicorn (~12 Oz)
-Taco Seasoning
-Corn Bread (enough for an 8X8 pan)
Brown the meat and add the taco seasoning following the directions per the instructions on the pack. Add in diced tomatos and mexicorn allowing it to simmer for 5-10 mins or until heated.
Prepare the Corn Bread while the meat is simmering. Once the meat is thoroughly heated place it in an 8x8 pan and spread the cornbread on top. I found it helpful to make the cornbread thicker around the edges so that it will cook all the way through.
Cook according to the corn bread recipe. Usually 20-25 mins. And enjoy!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Beef Chili and Valentines' dessert
Until next week, Enjoy!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Schnitzel, Lime-ade and Cookies you don't BAKE!
So, last week I thought I'd be making Chili this week but looking in my fridge I realized that I had Chicken Breast I needed to use before it went bad so the final decision was.... SCHNITZEL!!
That's right, I just got back from Germany about 3 weeks ago and already I'm making one of the most popular meals from there. I can't help it. It is so good! (As long as you don't fry it in a half gallon of Crisco)
You will need:
-Meat Tenderizer
-3/4 Cup Vegetable Oil
-2 Boneless Chicken Breasts
-1/3 Cup Flour
-2 Large Eggs
-1/2 Cup Plain Bread Crumbs
-1 Large Lemon
Begin by 'tenderizing' or POUNDING the chicken breast unti the thickness is about 1/2 INCH.
Heat the OIL in a WOK sized pan (If you want a CRISPIER Schnitzel use LESS OIL) on MEDIUM HEAT.
In THREE SEPERATE bowls place the FLOUR, EGGS and BREAD CRUMBS. After the CHICKEN is the right thickness coat the CHICKEN with FLOUR and THEN place the FLOURED CHICKEN in the EGGS followed by the BREAD CRUMBS.
Place the CHICKEN in the OIL and allow to cook about 7 MINUTES each side or until GOLDEN BROWN or the right CRISP-NESS.
Remove from the OIL and allow to cool. SERVE with a LEMON-WEDGE (Allows for GREAT flavor) and SHOE-STRING FRIES.
And of course I had to have something to DRINK!!! It was LIME-ADE night!
You will need:
-1/3 Cup SUGAR
-6 Small/Medium Limes
-8 Oz. Water
Begin by softening the LIMES; roll them on a hard surface, squeeze them by hand; just get them soft for an easier time.
Cut the LIMES into WEDGES and then squeeze the JUICE into a small PITCHER.
Add 8 Oz of WATER and start with 1/3 Cup SUGAR; add more SUGAR as needed.
Serve COLD! Good, easy, delicious!
Standing in front of OIL all night what is better than NO-BAKE COOKIES?
-2 Cups Sugar
-5 TBS Cocoa
-1/2 Cup Milk
-1/2 Cup Butter (1 Stick)
-1 tsp Vanilla
-1 Cup Coconut
-3 Cups Oatmeal
-Wax Paper
Put SUGAR, COCOA, MILK AND BUTTER in a large pot. Bring to a BOIL; add VANILLA.
Remove from heat and add COCONUT and OATMEAL; MIX well.
Lay WAX PAPER on a flat surface and drop them COOKIE-SIZED onto the WAX PAPER.
Place in the FRIDGE to cool for BEST results and ENJOY!
Until Next week...
Friday, January 29, 2010
Lemon-Chicken Stir Fry and MORE!
So, tonight's feat: Lemon-Chicken Stir Fry, Homemade Raspberry Lemonade and Magic Cookie Bars for dessert. Yes, of course recipes and tips are to follow!
This was the end result of Lemon-Chicken Stir Fry. Are you ready for this? Let me just say that it was delectible and I could not believe it actually turned out well.
Ingredients (produces 3 Servings):
-1 tsp Oil
-1/4 tsp Soy Sauce
-1 tsp Rice Vinegar
-Cilantro Flakes
-1 Chicken Breast
-1 Lemon
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Love cooking!!!
Now, why is this a good thing, I have a couple reasons for that. First of all, just because I'm a college student doesn't mean I have to eat like one EVERY day of the week. I can get tired of chicken quesadillas, pasta, ramen, mac and cheese and yes, I can even get tired of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. For this reason I justify spending time in front of the stove to make a good meal usually with more vegetables and fruit servings than I'd normally get throughout the week.
Second, because I've not been living away from my parents for long I do not have a lot of 'kitchenware'. Instead of just going out and buying EVERY dish I THINK I might need I've put it off until I cook a meal that needs something I don't have. I figure it'll save me spending hundreds of dollars all at once :)
Needless to say I'm a little excited to keep cooking and blogging. I'll continue to let you know how it goes.
Up this week: Lemon-Chicken Stir Fry with Raspberry Lemonade and Magic cookie bars for dessert.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Single Awareness Day!!!
So, WHAT do I do THIS YEAR????
Friday, January 22, 2010
A night of good food and good times
It really was delicious, the thing about it was that the chicken gave it a sweet-tangy kick to the otherwise spicy veggies.
Add a side of fruit, who wants salad when you already have a few veggies on the pizza? We then added an Orange Julius to drink and wah-lah! Delicious, somewhat nutritious meal... RIGHT? I think so :)
Recipe for Orange Julius:
6 Oz of frozen orange juice concentrate
1 Cup Milk
1 Cup Water
1/2 Cup Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla
12 Ice cubes
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until fully mixed; if you want to save your motor you could add in ice cubes one at a time.
I hope you enjoy, I can't wait to do this again, maybe next I'll do my spicy chicken burittos :)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
New Year, New Blog... SORTA
So, change #1: As you can see I have once again changed my picture at the top of my page. I'm going to continue to change that picture once a month and hopefully they'll be good pictures that I've taken from my trips or daily life.
And change #2: I'm changing my posts for blogs. My travel blog has turned into a blog of little things that I do daily almost. From here on out, the travel blog will be for things that were planned out and took me more than 30 mins to travel to. Such things like the zoo, Germany, Las Vegas, California. Things I don't always do. Hopefully this will make for more posts and pictures for this blog.
I'm really trying to blog more regularly this year and to get caught up soon. So stay tuned and you can venture with me on this life of a gypsy college kid.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Work + Hard X (2 SemestersX Short Semester)=Graduating by December 2010
I walked into her office, announced that I am bored and tired of school then demanded she tell me what it is I have to do so I can be done with school by December. Ok, so I might not have demanded, but I did ask and this is the consensus:
Spring 2010-18 Credit Hours. NO I'm NOT trying to kill myself but last semester I was bored with 15 hours so I stepped it up a little bit.
Summer Session #1 2010-7 Credit Hours. Finish the pre-reqs for my internship and do them in 5 weeks at the beginning of the summer making for another LONG break... just like I like them!
Fall 2010-12 Credit Hours. 6 of those will be my internship and hopefully I can get the other 6 to be on Tues/Thurs so I can intern M/W/F.
Now, internships. I was planning on going to Germany for 6 months while doing my internship there but it presented 2 major problems as I've mentioned before: 1-Pushes my date of graduation back to May 2011 and 2-No longer has me as a full time student starting next semester which means I have to start paying back student loans. NOT wanting either of those I've opted to stay here in AZ somewhere and intern with a local company though it'd be preferred if they had gov't ties.
Yep, day #1 of school isn't even half over yet and already I'm plotting for the next two semesters. HERE WE GO AGAIN!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Life, an ever changing variable
These past few months have been full of some ups with a lot of downs. I found out the job that I want does NOT require a degree and have been placed in the position to decide if I would or would not finish out school. In the end the decision was to finish it. The final decision was just to finish it. I've got only a year left and why quit when so close right?
So the thought of internship came about; where am I going to do it? I got an opportunity to go back to Germany and do my internship at one of the biggest military hospitals in the world and the largest outside of the US. It would be an amazing opportunity and line me up perfectly for the career I want to get into once I finish school.
If I took the internship however it poses one small issue, it would push back my graduation by six months and I'd have to start paying off loans come this fall. So, plan B comes about; if I can graduate by December I'm going to do my internship in the states and push for graduation within the year.
The past few months I've been trying to get adjusted into full time school work instead of full time work work. I've done ok, but needless to say I'm a little over school. The work just doesn't seem like it's worth it.
The next semester will be one of the most crucial ones yet. If I do well with this one I'll be ready to wrap it up.
Now comes to plans for AFTER school. I'm still looking at going with the military doing the whole civilian thing. I've already started looking into jobs around the country and have found openings in Georgia (the state), the DC area, California, a couple in Arizona; the opportunities are out there, but hopefully they continue to come about for the next year so I can jump right into it.
Life is an ever changing thing isn't it? One minute you are riding high and the next minute you are picking up the pieces trying to figure out where to go next.
More blogging to come as I continue to figure this out...