Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Love cooking!!!

Last week I started something and I think it's a great new thing; weekly cooking of bigger meals!

Now, why is this a good thing, I have a couple reasons for that. First of all, just because I'm a college student doesn't mean I have to eat like one EVERY day of the week. I can get tired of chicken quesadillas, pasta, ramen, mac and cheese and yes, I can even get tired of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. For this reason I justify spending time in front of the stove to make a good meal usually with more vegetables and fruit servings than I'd normally get throughout the week.

Second, because I've not been living away from my parents for long I do not have a lot of 'kitchenware'. Instead of just going out and buying EVERY dish I THINK I might need I've put it off until I cook a meal that needs something I don't have. I figure it'll save me spending hundreds of dollars all at once :)

Needless to say I'm a little excited to keep cooking and blogging. I'll continue to let you know how it goes.

Up this week: Lemon-Chicken Stir Fry with Raspberry Lemonade and Magic cookie bars for dessert.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Sara, go to "Real Simple" for all things tempting to cook. I love this site, you can search by recipe title or by ingredient. Plus their food photography is so great. So like rock on, cook on!