Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Life, an ever changing variable

So, I know it's been almost 3 months since I posted ANYTHING on this blog but I thought it's time for an update.

These past few months have been full of some ups with a lot of downs. I found out the job that I want does NOT require a degree and have been placed in the position to decide if I would or would not finish out school. In the end the decision was to finish it. The final decision was just to finish it. I've got only a year left and why quit when so close right?

So the thought of internship came about; where am I going to do it? I got an opportunity to go back to Germany and do my internship at one of the biggest military hospitals in the world and the largest outside of the US. It would be an amazing opportunity and line me up perfectly for the career I want to get into once I finish school.

If I took the internship however it poses one small issue, it would push back my graduation by six months and I'd have to start paying off loans come this fall. So, plan B comes about; if I can graduate by December I'm going to do my internship in the states and push for graduation within the year.

The past few months I've been trying to get adjusted into full time school work instead of full time work work. I've done ok, but needless to say I'm a little over school. The work just doesn't seem like it's worth it.

The next semester will be one of the most crucial ones yet. If I do well with this one I'll be ready to wrap it up.

Now comes to plans for AFTER school. I'm still looking at going with the military doing the whole civilian thing. I've already started looking into jobs around the country and have found openings in Georgia (the state), the DC area, California, a couple in Arizona; the opportunities are out there, but hopefully they continue to come about for the next year so I can jump right into it.

Life is an ever changing thing isn't it? One minute you are riding high and the next minute you are picking up the pieces trying to figure out where to go next.

More blogging to come as I continue to figure this out...

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