Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday Ramblings of Saturday Adventures

Ok, so really I should be planning my lesson, but I can't stop thinking about my wonderful Saturday!

It started off with waking up at 0800, ON A SATURDAY!, for breakfast with the girls from the office and a couple munchkins. We went to this fantastic cafe in Landstuhl called Sander's that has some really good breakfast! We sat and chatted until almost noon about whatever! Office, life, love, you name it!

From there I had to run to the commissary to get some food for a surprise picnic I was planning (it almost didn't happen). Luckily for everyone the picnic did happen for a short amount of time. We knew that rain was in the forecast yet we decided to give it a try. We headed to a park in Kaiserslautern, laid out our blanket, got the food out, ate our sandwiches, laughed, giggled, had a good time and just when we were getting ready to relax a little ways out we could see parents running with their kids in tow.

RAIN had made it's appearance FAST! This wasn't like a light trickle and then hard, oh no, it was HARD then faster and harder! We thought it'd pass us shortly if we just were patient so we hid the goodies and laid there, within a couple minutes we decided we'd just move it inside. By the time we got to our car we were soaked! When we got back to the house however we realized it was a good decision on our part. Not a minute after walking in the door we saw lightning with thunder right on top of it!

Now, in all my years of being in Germany I had never seen lightning; but the day I plan a picnic it shows up??? How wrong is that?

So inside we went to finish eating and to play some checkers. Yes, I lost :( HORRIBLY the first round. Second round I made one mistake that took me out of it. I will seek my revenge.

After checkers it was off for dinner, Chinese anyone? So much for chicken chili! We were too tired to even try and claim that feat.

What a day! I think it was the best Saturday I have had in Germany! Not much more time now though, 18 more days!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Productive Week

OY! What a week! I don't know if I should sigh of relief that it's over; scream of excitement; or pray that it never happens again.

So what happened... hmmm...

Didn't really want to go back to work after a week in Edelweiss (I am still working on that post... don't worry) but then I got to work and had to play catch up for hundreds of emails that I missed; oh yeah, that made me LOVE being at work! Haha, nah, not really! But I did get asked to once again go sit in the front for the big wig guy.

I knew that this week I was going to have to accomplish a LOT of things. I had shipped my car off the previous week but was still in search of a place to live and a job. Before I knew it I had the place, a nice little condo with a great rate for rent and location! 2.5 miles from Polytech! Yeah, I'm feeling good about that one.

So the only thing to worry about was the job. So I did what I usually do, hop on and try to look for openings in the valley. Yeah, there are a lot that I qualify for, but none willing to do part-time. So I let it go for a couple days. Finally I decided I'd check ASU's webpage for jobs and lo-and-behold a receptionist job for one of the advising offices ON POLYTECH!

Holy camoly! That would be the dream right there; awesome place to live and job on campus doing what I've been doing for the past 3 years! Could a girl ask for more?

So now I sit here having yet to hear back from them and pray that it's not a bad sign. I won't be in the valley until August so I am really hoping they'd be willing to wait that long for me. It is end of June right now and I can do an interview via telephone and I could do paperwork via email... RIGHT?

Yeah, I'm doing more looking to see if there is anything else out there for me. But it's been a good week.

How many more days? Oh, that's right, 26 before I fly out :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

10 Things I May Never Have

-Temple Marriage
-Understanding of why I have to answer to certain people
-Children of my own
-Clean bill of health
-The ability to please everyone
-A six pack of abs
-The chance to do something amazing with my life
-The time to forget about everything else and just enjoy life
-My own family sealed to me

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lost Love

Today I went through something rather hard. I lost a long time love of mine. You see, we met rather by chance; introduction from my father to be honest with you. When I first saw him I knew I wanted him and thought how amazing he looked.

But today I had to finally say goodbye to Thailur (Tyler). He had been so amazing for the past 2.5 years and while I know that someday I will meet up with him again I cannot wait until that happens.

Thailur went with me everywhere. We were travel buddies, we hung out probably every day without missing more than a week. So yes, it was a hard moment for me to part with him, but I did.So there is my beautiful baby!! Ok, so not mine, but that's what he looks like. Isn't he gorgeous? I'll be with him again about the end of July; but until then it's hard finding a replacement for the void now present in my life.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

No need to Worry

Alright, so I know in some of my past blogs I may have said some things that make people overly worried about me; but I can assure you there is nothing to be overly concerned about right now.

Yeah, things aren't peachy keen right now, but I have a few things to look forward to. Going to Edelweiss tomorrow with the family. I just got back from London and had so much fun I'm wanting to go back again for another couple of days. I have the time and the means to do so, why not?

I've got only 5 weeks until my last day of work and then only another week until I fly out. I can't believe it's so close.

I dropped off my car yesterday to be cleaned and shipped. I can't believe we're so close. I've got so much to look forward to, hopefully this summer will be a good way to start the next time of my life off; it's been a rough past few months and I'm ready to foget about it... at least until I have to do some follow up work on it.