Saturday, June 20, 2009

Productive Week

OY! What a week! I don't know if I should sigh of relief that it's over; scream of excitement; or pray that it never happens again.

So what happened... hmmm...

Didn't really want to go back to work after a week in Edelweiss (I am still working on that post... don't worry) but then I got to work and had to play catch up for hundreds of emails that I missed; oh yeah, that made me LOVE being at work! Haha, nah, not really! But I did get asked to once again go sit in the front for the big wig guy.

I knew that this week I was going to have to accomplish a LOT of things. I had shipped my car off the previous week but was still in search of a place to live and a job. Before I knew it I had the place, a nice little condo with a great rate for rent and location! 2.5 miles from Polytech! Yeah, I'm feeling good about that one.

So the only thing to worry about was the job. So I did what I usually do, hop on and try to look for openings in the valley. Yeah, there are a lot that I qualify for, but none willing to do part-time. So I let it go for a couple days. Finally I decided I'd check ASU's webpage for jobs and lo-and-behold a receptionist job for one of the advising offices ON POLYTECH!

Holy camoly! That would be the dream right there; awesome place to live and job on campus doing what I've been doing for the past 3 years! Could a girl ask for more?

So now I sit here having yet to hear back from them and pray that it's not a bad sign. I won't be in the valley until August so I am really hoping they'd be willing to wait that long for me. It is end of June right now and I can do an interview via telephone and I could do paperwork via email... RIGHT?

Yeah, I'm doing more looking to see if there is anything else out there for me. But it's been a good week.

How many more days? Oh, that's right, 26 before I fly out :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So things are turning up in the life of Sara Ray! I can't wait for you to get there and live it up!