Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Work + Hard X (2 SemestersX Short Semester)=Graduating by December 2010

It might be a bad sign that after the second class of my first day I've already gone in to talk to my advisor about what I can do to lessen the amount of time I have to spend here at school.

I walked into her office, announced that I am bored and tired of school then demanded she tell me what it is I have to do so I can be done with school by December. Ok, so I might not have demanded, but I did ask and this is the consensus:

Spring 2010-18 Credit Hours. NO I'm NOT trying to kill myself but last semester I was bored with 15 hours so I stepped it up a little bit.

Summer Session #1 2010-7 Credit Hours. Finish the pre-reqs for my internship and do them in 5 weeks at the beginning of the summer making for another LONG break... just like I like them!

Fall 2010-12 Credit Hours. 6 of those will be my internship and hopefully I can get the other 6 to be on Tues/Thurs so I can intern M/W/F.

Now, internships. I was planning on going to Germany for 6 months while doing my internship there but it presented 2 major problems as I've mentioned before: 1-Pushes my date of graduation back to May 2011 and 2-No longer has me as a full time student starting next semester which means I have to start paying back student loans. NOT wanting either of those I've opted to stay here in AZ somewhere and intern with a local company though it'd be preferred if they had gov't ties.

Yep, day #1 of school isn't even half over yet and already I'm plotting for the next two semesters. HERE WE GO AGAIN!

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