Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Another HUGE Step in my Life

Man, I've blogged more these past two months than I think I did the entirety of last YEAR.

Last night I did something I didn't think I would ever do, accomplished another goal I had set for myself for some time and am now feeling so relieved; I finished my final course to get my German Degree!!
Alright, so it's only an AA but this is a huge weight off of my shoulders because it means when I go back to ASU they have to take me in as at least a Junior. There have been some rumors around here that UMUC credits don't always transfer to schools back in the states and the only way to guarantee they do is to have a degree. That takes care of all my lower class course work; Halle-freakin-lujah!

I now just have to sit on edge until I find out what grade I get, but as long as it's a C I get my degree and I'm pretty sure I've done that. I got an A on my final and As and Bs on all my assignments thus far. I'm pulling for a low A high B. Then the transcripts will be sent to ASU and they get to decide what courses I have to finish for my BS! I'm hoping to be out by Dec 2010, but it might not be until May 2011; either way it's all in sights!

Yep, I'm excited.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

The next time I see you I'm making you talk to me in Deutshe. Prove to me that you earned that! I'm just giving you a hard time, and I'm extremely jealous. German is just about impossible for my brain to get a handle on.