Monday, March 16, 2009

Sick and Tired

I am... are you? Sick and tired of re-reading my blogs and hearing how much I've been complaining. I'm done!!!

So here we go, a second new year's resolution; the first was to get back into school. So this second one is: Taking it one day at a time, not being so proud and moving on.

Alright, so the first one is pretty simple. Not planning too far ahead that I get stressed out or fail to enjoy the life I have here and now.

Second is probably the HARDEST! I grew up in a semi-proud family. We're the Rays! Get over it ;) so how I'm going to go about this is still taking some work. I don't think I'll be able to be the person that just throws her arms open and say, I need help; but perhaps it'll be more of me taking things in stride and not so put off when people do cross that line.

Third has already started to take place. Moving on from the past and into the new. It's like I've taken everything boxed it up and put a HUGE label on it: DON'T YOU DARE OPEN UNTIL YOU ARE ON YOUR DEATH BED. Yeah, I need to have that boundary otherwise I will NEVER accomplish the next goal in my life. This chapter of my life is over, MOVING ON!

So no more complaining. Well, less complaining. How about that?

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