Saturday, March 21, 2009

A lesson that is sure to go wrong

So don't tell anyone, I should be planning a lesson I'm supposed to be giving in Relief Society TOMORROW but there are so many OTHER things to do, like....

Watch Australia!!! I know, I know, it's after mid-night but when I can't sleep, I can't sleep.


Find out who's blog-stalking me. A friend of mine showed me a way to check out who reads your blog and from WHERE! So in a way I'm blog-reader-stalking but it's so cool. Say for instance someone in Romania reads my blog (which they have!!) I can look onto my site, pull up the map and see from which city in Romania they read my blog from and on which day. This is really cool; I used to think NOBODY read my blog. Now look!!! My mother fears for me though with all the people from not only the US but 8-10 other countries, depending on which site, are reading my blog. I don't think she understands just how OK it is that I blog and leave it publicly open.

Or I could be...

Cleaning off my bed so I could go to sleep but it's a bunch of laundry and who wants to put away laundry after midnight?

Or I could...

Blog ABOUT preparing my lesson :)

I'm one of those people that actually gives an ok lesson or talk when it's been procrastinated. When a member of the bishopric asks me to give a talk in sacrament in 2 weeks I take that as meaning, "Will you prepare a talk during sacrament in two weeks and then give the talk after the sacrament has been blessed and passed?" Of course I say yes!!!

So with lessons, whether primary, Sunday school or Relief Society, I apply the same logic, prepare the lesson during the hour before. This month though I decided I should go against my normal mode of thinking and I began reading and preparing my lesson back in February.

Now some may say, "Wow, Sara, what on earth happened to make you go against your stubborn personality to actually READ it before the day of?" And I will tell you, "Well you see, I looked at the lesson for this month and KNEW I needed all the time and help I could get!!!"

These lessons were picked out before I even was asked to teach the lessons, but isn't it great how it seems the Lord is REALLY trying me? I would be lying if I said I didn't know why but whatever.

So go ahead, ask the follow-up question, ask: Sara, what on earth could the subject be to have you needing extra time? Oh, let me tell you...


Ok, you can stop laughing now... I tried so hard to plan this lesson in advance, but HOW? What do I know about the benefits of Celestial Marriage? Nothing from personal experience other than, 'it's important for your eternal salvation'... NOT THAT IT'S A BAD THING but I'm a YSA!!! Sure, the plan might be to make it to the temple some day but there is a reason that I'm still in the YSA club.
Everytime someone tells me they so would love to be at my wedding I just tell them they better find me in Heaven because with me, that might be when it takes place. But the above picture is of course the temple I so desire to be married in if that day comes. I know it doesn't matter which ONE you are married in, but do you think the Lord would let me be sealed in the afterlife in this temple too?

Tomorrows lesson might be a little interesting and require a LOT of class involvement. I wish there was a way we could record it and post it on youtube for some great laughs.

So if you are there I hope you enjoy, if not, ask me about it tomorrow and I'll tell you all about the lesson that is sure to go wrong.


Krista said...

So that is your secret? I woul dhave never ARE good at last minute prep! And you saw Australia and didn't invite me?! I am dying to see it. I am sorry to miss your lesson and wish your could have recorded it. Actually when I was single I ended up teaching lessons about things that I thought were funny but I think it brings an important perspective. Hope it went well! When are you heading on another trip?

Melanie said...

Yea! The Mesa temple is where Rob and I were sealed! (You better invite me, too!)