Saturday, April 18, 2009

What a WEEK!

I'm so glad it's over, but when I look back at it I can't believe I lived to see the end of it.

This week had a lot of things go on for me, lifeguard class, lifeguard final, doctor appointments, sitting in for another secretary, working on scholarships and figuring out more for school.

So lets start from the top: Lifeguarding class/final. Steph and I have been taking this course to get certified. I have no desire to work here but she's been contemplating it. So we have had class 5 times in the past 2 weeks starting at 1600 and going until 2200 (4-10 PM for you non military/european folk). It's been quite the experience. Late nights, swimming, chlorine, yummy!! So the day came time for us to test and I will tell you one thing, I was actually a little nervous the night before. We got there and I'll tell you what, it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. We were all nervous to find out if we passed or not but the important thing is Steph and I passed!!!!! So there you have it, if you ever have someone drowning, or needing first aid, Steph and I are signed off :)

My next certification I think is going to be to get WSI (Water Safety Instructor) qualified. That will mean that I can teach swim lessons. Wouldn't that be a fun easy job in AZ? I think so, go to people's personal pools and teach their kids how to swim, easy peasy!!!

Doctor Appointments. So a few posts ago I blogged about how I hated doctors who seemed to want to ruin your day and to do nothing more than to deliver bad news, yes I had them do that.

I went in for my follow up to make sure it was what they thought it was and it is. No, not ready to talk about it; maybe later. Docs swear it won't do much to alter my life but there is still that chance. Some of my family worry that I think it's the Lord punishing me for not being humble; yeah, at times I do. Other parts of my family fear that I will start being angry at people who have what I don't or might ever have. Perhaps I have felt that in the past and maybe it's to come; another thing I have to work on I suppose.

Where I work are 3 different branches. We are all one directorate but made up of 3 relatively large branches. We only have 3 secretaries when we should have four. We should have one for each branch and then a fourth for the big boss. When the big boss' sec doesn't show up it gets tasked to another secretary who happens to be there; that just so happened to be me yesterday. I was really nervous about it and quite frankly a little stressed. I had a ton of things I was supposed to be doing and had to get done and frankly I didn't want to jack anything up. I'm happy to report I did Ok, though I think the third in command down there was lying to me when he said that.

Now the fun part, school. I've been working on some scholarships to get money so I won't have to pay a dime for school. Good thing I've been doing that though, good ole economy failing and with President Crow in charge of ASU I'm getting jipped out of grant money. The money I got in grants won't even cover half of my tuition expenses. EXCUSE ME?????That's great. Good thing I've been saving all my hard earned cash huh? If you ask me the FAFSA system is flawed. I'm 21 years old and I do NOT get claimed by my parents on their taxes but because I still COULD be claimed I have to add into account my parents taxes which mean that my Estimated Family Contribution is $10,000 MORE than what they will be contributing. No, my family does NOT leave me high and dry, but I dont' want to go to them to get money to pay for a piece of paper that the American Society has deemed appropriate if you want to be able to make ends meet comfortably.

So there you have it, there's been my week. One heck of an emotional roller coaster. Ups with passing the course, downs with doctors and twist and turns with college and work. Poke me to make certain I'm alive would you?

1 comment:

Krista said...

Zowee! What a week. If I ever start drowning I will call you. I actually hope someday you get certified to be a scuba diver--you would love that! I couldn't decipher the cryptic doctors paragraph, but hope it works out. And I'll keep my fingers crossed for a scholarship for you!