Sunday, October 28, 2007


So I have a goal to get into better shape. I know, HOW DARE I SAY THAT... but it's true. I want to get my legs stronger and my arms better toned. It'd be nice to have a flatter tummy and somewhat shaped abs.

I told myself if I commit to working out and do it for a good 3 weeks I will buy myself a new pair of NIKEs. Haha, I have been eying some. :) And I figure NIKEs would be cheaper than a trip to Paris or something.

Speaking of that, I will update all on my thought process of what to do with my life, brace yourself, somethings are new, some old, but in the end it's all SARA. ;)

So I've been contemplating about life, isn't it a great thing to think? I finally realized that I'm wasting money on staying in Germany, through both traveling (as much as it hurts to say that) and also through UMUC, the school I take classes with. both are sucking the money from me.

So my options are: Go home to ASU and get back to working on my Bachelors or stay in Germany and stop with classes and just travel when I can.

Going home was the winning choice for a while. I was looking forward to it, getting things figured out, it was all looking good. I was writing old friends, I only told 2 of them (Outside of my family), Sean Foley and Stacey Butler, I was going to go home. I was looking for apartments, eying the many job possibilities, it was all looking good.

Until one dark day at Volleyball practice I talked to a girl who has been here for some 8 months and hasn't been out of K-town, let alone Germany. So we talked about where we should go for the next 4 day. Venice came up, then Rome, I bought a plane ticket for Rome, honestly I have never done a more spur of the moment buy, but this was crazy!

So Nov. 9-11, I'm going to Rome. Can someone tell me why? Haha, it's going to be interesting. I can't wait to go, honestly, I think it will be good, buuuuut, hello, I"m supposed to be saving to go home. I mean truly, what am I thinking?

Staying in Germany and just travelling would let me get back to my goal of all 10 temples in Europe and traveling more. I just don't know, is it worth putting my education on hold to travel? I just am not sure if it is.

So the next month's weekends looks like this:

November 2-4: Hague/Amsterdam, Holland, hopefully making it a temple trip

November 9-11: Rome, Italy, with a girl from Volleyball, hopefully nothing will get stolen. I'm honestly thinking about taking disposible cameras with me so it will discourage people from taking my camera.

November 16-18: Volleyball tourney in K-town, can't miss this one, the coach would get mad, don't know why it matters. She caters the team to make her look good anyhow. 8 Sets we played last weekend in a tourney and I didn't get set once. ME, not once! Yeah, I was upset!

November 22-25: Turkey DAY! Should and HOPE to be going to Berlin. I have a friend up there, and I would really like to get up there to see her.

November 30-December 2: Volleyball Tourney in Stuttgart. Oh that is going to be fun, final tourney of the season...

So as you can see I have a full month of stuff to do. And 3/5 weekends are travelling. Ga'll, I love it here, but I still at times feel it is time to move on.

So about moving on, ready for the big life plans? Yeah, ok, they have changed a bit.

Get BS in EXW, then move on to PhD in physical therapy. Here's the part that has changed: go through Baylor's Army school to do it. Yeah, to do that you have to commit to 4 years of military active duty. You know, I'm ok with that. 4 years and they pay for my school and pay me while I'm in school then get out of school and have to serve 4 years basically starting out as a capt. Seriously, do you see a down fall? Oh, so the family may not be present, but it's not like I'm going to put them off for the military. It's just the only way I see obtaining my goals of being a phys therapist and helping out the military and those who serve. It's sad being over here where LRMC is and seeing all the soldiers come through that have to go through it. I just want to help...

The mission you ask? Yeah, it's still in the works, but I'm not putting myself on a timeline where I have to put my papers in 3 months before my mission, I'm not working on a timeline where I have to report the day of my 21st bday. I just will go when the Lord sees it's right for me. Maybe it comes next Dec. Maybe it comes when I'm older. The point is, I am not going to push it and then wonder while I'm on my mission if I'm only out on my mission because I put everything else on hold. I don't want to have that curiosity.

So have I written enough? Have I gotten you updated? I hope so. Cuz I am TIRED, and workout starts tomorrow! Yay!

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