Monday, July 6, 2009

What a Fourth

Alright, so I spent the Fourth of July with lots of people that mean a lot to me, my family, for the most part and of course Barney.

It started off bad, I woke up with bad allergies and a sore throat; I had wanted to get a jump start on organizing my house to get moved out but with all that sickness I ended up popping some allergy meds and sleeping a lot of the day away. I was determined, however, to make it to the festivities in order to see Blue October, only one of the best bands ever, perform live on base.

So we showed up at about 1800, hung around eating delicious food, setting up chairs for the fireworks and enjoying ourselves. Blue October was amazing and I'm an even bigger fan now.

This was the first year in about 5 years I've seen fireworks and boy were they good!

At the end of the night I went home a happy woman; satisfied from the great company, good music and amazing pyrotechnics.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I hope you are feeling better!