Every Friday night Alex has a game, same time, same place every week and we love the consistency of that! This last Friday though it was a game to remember. These kids are 7-8 years and having close to 10 players they usually only play two quarters a game. So Alex played the second quarter and sat out quarters one and three. He played well, but I did not have the camera to take pictures. Simeon thinks he is turning into a freelance photographer and demands that we "take turns" which would be fine if I got a turn on Friday to take pictures.
During the third quarter Alex decided to come sit up by us. Both coaches walk the floor and it's one of those teach as they play kind of ages. So Alex was up playing around with Simeon and mom and I were talking about a grocery list. Next thing we know Simeon is beating on us telling us Alex 'accidentally hit his jaw on the bleachers'. Now with these boys when someone gets hurt a lot of times it's NOT an accident. So thinking it's just going to be a scraped chin we look over to find Alex's mouth full of blood, a tooth on the bleachers and this poor kid in TEARS!!!
No, I did not have the camera for that lovely picture but I did have Simeon babysit the coats and bags so I could catch some really good moments in the bathroom... :)
No pictures from that night's game, but I've thrown in some from the other games. He's so small compared to the other kids. He just turned 7 at the beginning of the season and though he is tall for a 7 year old there are some really tall 8 year olds!
Simeon is still at the age where girls and boys can play together and I love watching him interract with these girls. He's like Cody in the sense that he has a ton of girls for friends.
Mo is in the highest of the age limites, 13-15, and some of these kids look older! Really hoping Mo will advance his skills this year so we can watch him play for the school next year. Community teams are fun, but honestly, school teams are by far the BEST!
Yeah, he needs a hair cut. I don't know WHY that's the fashion over here; is it the same in the states? It's like these little EMO kids running around, drives me insane! He has told us he wants to cut it short like a missionary, but we get him to the barber and the line is so long that he eventually chickens out and we have other things to do than to argue with him.
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