So it's been a couple months, I've been busy and yet at the same time not as busy as I would have liked. So an update is needed. Here's what is going on in my little world.
As many can probably tell, I'm not in Arizona. It came down to the wire, I was ready and excited to go home and then all the sudden one day I felt like I shouldn't. I don't know why I'm still here, but I think it's at times like these that an extra amount of faith needs to be exercised.
So what have I been up to then? School mainly. I quit my job to go back to Arizona, they hired a girl and then I decided to stay. I couldn't ask them to give me back my job now could I? Nah, I don't think so. So I am an unemployed full time student/mooch and I love it. But so do my parents :) I think.
I have been travelling still though. I went to Barcelona, Spain, a couple weeks ago. I didn't get to take my camera so my sister and I are planning another trip in a couple days. 20 Euro to fly ROUND trip from here to there. I'm excited. This past weekend for Presidents day I went to Bruges, Belgium. I did take my camera on that trip and I will have pictures posted soon. Don't worry ;)
So other upcoming trips you ask? Berlin is definitely on the list. Amsterdam is in the works as is Copenhagen, Denmark; and Paris, France. I got things to see, people to meet and pictures to take. But of course money is needed for this.
While I was in Belgium this past weekend my thoughts continued to reside on getting a job. Prayer was there of course. My phone went dead on Sunday night but when I got home Monday afternoon and plugged my phone in, I got a message from someone on one of the bases around here asking me to come in for a job interview that begins pay at 23,000 a year. The job is a bit of a drive away so I continued to hope for a closer job. Tuesday afternoon I got a call from USAFE (US Air Force Europe) HQ's Financial Office asking me to come in for a job interview; so I went in. The interview went well. All of the things they would be asking me to do I already have prior knowledge and experience in; the only thing I don't feel satisfied about is when the Col. asked me that question, "So can you tell me about yourself?" I hate those questions. I think it's mainly because nobody likes to talk about themselves and how great they are. So I told her I have moved around my whole life due to the military; but through it I've gained respect for different cultures and obtained a great deal of professional work experience. I then proceeded to tell her that yes, I am young, but when I was 17 I was working in an embassy and had to learn quickly that there is a time to be 17 and a time to be professional. I continue to show what I learned that summer today. It's evident with the last few jobs I held; again with working in the embassy and then working with over 50 managers of base facilities. I may be 20, but at work I work as efficiently and as hard as everyone else.
That statement of course was stumbled a bit more than that, but it seemed to do well. She said she'd let me know either way. I'm giong to call her tomorrow and find out about how long I'm going to have to wait because honestly, I've got other prospects out there for me.
So it'll be good if I do get that job, it's a GS/NSPS job, so it'll put me in the system to get a government job elsewhere. School is about to be done. This term I took classes I'm going to need at ASU when I transfer back, Chemistry and Human anatomy. It's good because now I won't have to drive out to Tempe like I probably would have had to do if I waited. Next term will be a light one. I may take a Germ class to get me closer to my AA, but I'm still not 100% sure on if I want to do that.
I think that's all to update ya on with me. I'm just keeping busy and enjoying life as it comes at me. I am watching the Lakers/Suns game right now and it is confirming my ideas of being a physical therapist. I would love to do something like that. I heard the announcers talking about the therapists who are helping Shaq and I just thought, now that's the job for me! No joke! Maybe when I get back to ASU I can line up an internship that would be something fun like that. Not THAT exactly, but something that won't make me go, "why did I pick this as my major?"
Well, that's it for me, I should run, it's like 4 AM. OOPS.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
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Oh my goodness... Sara Ray IS alive! I was wondering.
We are also glad to hear that you are alive but cant wait to see the day that you get to come back home. But you are right you need to excercise faith never question when you feel something is not right just go with it. We love you!!
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