Thursday, October 15, 2009

What a week (and it's only Wednesday)

So wow! It's been one crazy roller-coaster of a week and yes, I know this is a little premature and it is only Wednesday, but seriously, it's been crazy!

I got to go to Six Flags, Magic Mountain, in California on Saturday to celebrate a friend's birthday (that post will come shortly on my other blog...) but what a weekend. We drove all night Friday to get there Saturday, spent the day in the park and yup, Saturday night we were driving home. We had a BLAST, well I did anyhow. But yeah, not a lot of sleep was had that weekend.

Emotions have been set lose this week as well as I've lost my best friend recently and hopefully some day he can forgive me. Ever since then it's been up and down and all around and CRAZY!

Missed a couple classes on Monday, little sleep Monday night, even less Tuesday night as I finished up some homework, woke up with 4 hours of sleep to meet a client and she never showed. Hung out all day with my aunt and cousins (I'm still hoping I don't get sick); went to play volleyball, I'm not feeling too good, I should really go see my doc and now I'm thinking about sleep at midnight... yeah, it might be a good idea.

Week isn't even over yet! I have work tomorrow, institute and meeting, Friday is training for volunteer work, Saturday I'm volunteering at a Health promotion event from 0630-1130, corn maze that night, bonfire and studying for a test I have on Monday. MAN! Yeah, it's going to be a LONG week!

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