Everyone has that one person that really seems to be like you in so many ways, but at the same time this person can be an exact opposite of you. I always thought that my brother, Spencer, was the clone of me in a guys body. Recent weeks here in Germany have allowed me to see that him and I are actually quite different. I still love him though.
My brother decided to out-do me and run off to AZ before I could. This is not fair. I was supposed to leave first, but it's ok. He left on
Being in the military and either moving often or having people move constantly in and out of the post makes you realize something rather important: Family is the only thing that is going to be in it for the long hule. I've even noticed it as I've grown into an adult. Friends that I met maybe even a year ago, as we've parted we've lost contact and we rarely
Again, it took me a while to realize this, I think I was in high school when Spencer and I finally stopped bickering and began yelling across the quad on campus "Spencer Ray is my brother and I love him..." Or Sara Ray for him to yell at me. I think it was somewhat theraputical, it probably started because everyone would ask us, oh, you're their sibling... Yes, I am... Even after a few years it has continued. We'll exchange Signed "I Love You"s to each other just to be dorks, but it's true.
Before Spud's mission we went to a D*backs game and made the mistake of sitting next to each other. During sporting events of course they have those love or kiss cams; Spencer and I found it ammusing to see us up there. We wanted to have a sign with us that said, we're siblings; we now know to plan ahead.
Now that Spud and I are a little bit older it is no longer assumed
I have often found myself worrying about my family and though Spud is older than me, I still worry about him; so Arizona, you better take care of him. I've already warned him about all the crazy peoples in AZ; so don't worry ;)