Thursday, March 19, 2009

Preparing to say DEUCES!!

Every day I wake up, get dressed, yell at Steph to get in the car, drive her to Seminary and then head into work. The work day usually involves a visit to my fellow secretary where we laugh and joke and gossip (it's what secretaries do!!). Among all of that though one thing is DEFINITE to come up... HOW MANY DAYS UNTIL THE TWO OF US LEAVE THE OFFICE/GERMANY!!!

Now, I was supposed to leave first. She wasn't set to PCS until November which meant me leaving in July I would be the FIRST to go. Well, come to find out her orders got moved up and lo-n-behold she's gone in May! NOOOOOOOO! She done stole my thunder! Now I'm the second to leave of the secretaries. Why such a big deal? We only have three secretaries in the office!

Well, come to find out half of my office is leaving with me or a little before. FOUR people are jetting out of here from an office that WHEN fully manned only has 11. DANG! HUGE turn over!

So to help me realize how long before I can say "DEUCES!" to Germany and the office I got a countdown!

Woohoo! I know, I'm a nut!


Leslie said...

120 days!!!!!! That is coming super fast! What am I going to do on Sunday's without you? Shrivel up and die?!

The Mortensens said...

That means we only have 120 days left too, since we are leaving on July 20th as well. But I guess you already knew that.