Monday, March 30, 2009

One Less Single Ray Child

So it's 0455 Hrs on Tuesday morning and I've been up since 0230 Hrs. Go ahead, ask me. Well, I've been up that long because my brother went and got hitched today (Monday night in the states) and since we couldn't fly home we web cam-ed with him. Oh what a night. They are cute together no doubt but how funny that my thoughts on marriage blog came just nights before he got married.

Cody asked me when I would get married, I told him who the heck knows! I don't. Right now there's a lot of stuff going on before I can/will get married. I.E. waiting for the guy who holds my heart to be with me and us both to be ready to make that huge leap in our life. Eh, a lot of posts on marriage lately huh? Not a good sign hahaha!!!


Krista said...

The marriage theme goes on. It is hard one because it seems to be in your face a lot in the church. But I am with Leslie in that it is important to take your time and not be in any rush. The only worse thing than being single is being unhappily married. Who knows if you will marry in this life--it is your choice, but either way your life can be wonderful!

Melanie said...

Your man is out there working on some peace corp project! He'll be back! :)