Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lost Love

Today I went through something rather hard. I lost a long time love of mine. You see, we met rather by chance; introduction from my father to be honest with you. When I first saw him I knew I wanted him and thought how amazing he looked.

But today I had to finally say goodbye to Thailur (Tyler). He had been so amazing for the past 2.5 years and while I know that someday I will meet up with him again I cannot wait until that happens.

Thailur went with me everywhere. We were travel buddies, we hung out probably every day without missing more than a week. So yes, it was a hard moment for me to part with him, but I did.So there is my beautiful baby!! Ok, so not mine, but that's what he looks like. Isn't he gorgeous? I'll be with him again about the end of July; but until then it's hard finding a replacement for the void now present in my life.



Josiah said...

scura, you're funny. Also thanks for listing me as "jojo" on your links.... you're a peach

Leslie said...

I get that! I always feel like my auto's have personalities. Like, if I talk nice to them they won't break down. When I do yell at them, I quickly have to apologize so they won't break down.