Sunday, May 3, 2009

Innactively Active

So, in the matter of one hour at church today I happened to be invited to Young Single Activities, not once, but TWICE!!!! By TWO DIFFERENT people.

Uh, are you serious? I guess they were. I told them I'm crazy busy and my schedule is just not permitting it to which one of them told me that I needed to become less busy and just get out there.

Wow, honestly? Yeah, I guess going to church and doing your church calling is not enough. Now you need to be at every extra meeting and activity.

Therefore I've deemed myself Innactively Active. I go to church, do my calling, but right now that's all I can handle. I hope to someday be more than just that.


Josiah said...
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Jepsenator said...
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Jepsenator said...

Sara Ray, you really should be less busy and get out there if you want to be saved. You can't go to the celestial kingdom if you aren't going to every extra meeting and activity. I'm sorry. Going to church and doing you calling just isn't enough, so get out there. I love you girl ;)