Thursday, January 29, 2009

Linus needs a new Blankie

Hey it's my buddy Linus. We all know Linus right? Well if not just know that he was part of a not so well known comic strip called "Peanuts" really small, hardly anyone read it. :)
Why am I blogging about Linus today? Well because in my reflective mood I've come to realize that Linus and I have a lot in common. No, I do not suck my thumb, but he and I both have a thing for blankets. There isn't a place in the house that I will go without my blanket; at least I used to never go anywhere without it. It's true. Ask anyone in my family. Yes, I know I'm 21 years old and should be over my blanket addiction, but I'm not. I love them. When I was in the eighth grade I got a blanket from my Grandma Norton as a gift. I was really reluctant back then to take it under my wings, but that is mainly because I had broken in the one she had given me before and didn't want to have to break in another one. Oh, I am glad I did.

That blanket has been with me for 8 years. Yep, I was 13 when I started toting it around the house. Watching football, it was with me; Christmas day, it was with me; even on my sick days laying on the floor of the bathroom, it was wrapped around me giving me the comfort I needed.
It went with me to college, came back with me to Europe, has spent time in Egypt, Spain and Austria as well. That blanket was MINE! It really bugged me when anyone else used it. MINE!

For the past year my mother has been telling me I need to retire the blanket. RETIRE IT??? WHAT? BLASPHEMY! She would only re-iterate her comments when I would lay down with it and hear it rip just a little bit more. Having had the blanket for so long the fabric had really begun to wear out and give up on me.
Little tears here, another there, a few star shaped cuts here. It really was starting to get into bad shape.
All around the edges the fabric had been torn and was starting to create a pocket. If the blanket hadn't been tied it really would have been missing a back already.
Not to mention the random tears all around that I really had no idea what caused them. I wouldn't let it go though. No matter how careful I had to be in order to cuddle up with it at night. Finally after getting so annoyed with my brother using it and hearing it snag or wanting to beat the cat for attacking it I gave in. I said goodbye to my old blanket of 8 years and was given another from the grandmother. Partly though because I told everyone they needed to tell her how desperately I needed a new one. I think my mother even relayed the information a couple times.
When Steph ran off to AZ for the holidays she brought back the new blanket. I was really reluctant again to start using this blanket. It hadn't been broken in. And with the underneath all silky I was afraid of snagging it and sending it to an early grave.

But I like the fuzzy of the one side and the silky of the other, so I use it. My blue blanket still has a tight hold on my heart and I still use it from time to time but I think it really appreciates the break it has been able to receive.
So now can you see why Linus is my buddy and we have so much in common? I'm sure he would feel the same way if someone tried to make him retire his blanket. Though his blanket looks to be in much better shape than mine was.
I'm really going to miss that blanket but am ever so grateful for the newest blanket I've been given.


Krista said...

Fun post, Sara. I still have my blanket from my childhood but I retired it and keep it in the attic. At least save a bit of it and make it into another quilt! All the love and nurturing it gave deserve some spot of sacredness. You love the new one with new memories too! Hope it give you lots of comfort Ms. Linus!

Leslie said...

See, there is a reason why I like you so much, you are a Linus too! We have a family blanket that had to undergo necessary lifesaving surgery a couple of years ago. Many, many hours of hand sewn surgery saved it for us. We are hoping to get another lifetime out of it. It is our blanket for sickness, movies, late night reading, fort building (although the blanket is too elderly for this now) and comfort giving. And guess what? . . . it's red! One day soon you must come to the Frandsen abode and see for yourself, it will bring you instant comfort!

Mandy B said...

So, I googled "Linus needs" and pushed the feeling lucky button. My son's name is Linus and this came up. I really enjoyed this because I too have a blankie. I have gone through 7 different ones and now I am on my 8th, they aren't made any more, my son totes 4 of my old ratty dirty holey blankies and I'm panicking that my blankie will fall apart and I will die. Not really, but you know. Anyway, I too posted on my blog about it. Did I mention I'm 32? Ya, how's that for embarassing. And that I rub the silky binding. And I suck my tongue. Blah. It's a habit I wish I could get rid of it. But I love it too much.