Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Locks of Love

About a year and a half ago I heard about a charity from one of my mom's co-workers. Just randomly one day she asked me what I was going to do with my hair, asked me if there was any reason I grew it so long. I told her no, I just like the length, and I LOVE my hair. She then told me that I should cut it and donate it to a charity called Locks of Love. I was a little baffled that she would give me ideas of what to do with MY hair, but I looked into it. This charity takes hair that has been donated by many persons and it makes wigs out of it for children who suffer from Lukeimia. I was touched, but I was still nervous. I mean I always have loved my hair; I even went so far as to tell my mother that the Lord gave me my nice hair because he knew that I would need something to help me look presentible because we all know I am not big on fussing over my looks.
So I did it... Last year, about January or February I cut my hair. Now this isn't any cut, this is 10 inches AT LEAST that has to be cut. So, I sucked it up, and went for it. Walked into the sallon, said, 10 inches please and everyone freaked. Remember, this is last year, so January of 2007. I told them what it was for and they seemed to feel better about it. I don't see why, I mean it's my hair haha. So that was that. At first I was really sad, I was conciencious about the way it looked, but everyone told me it looked nice, so I trusted them.
To my surprise, my hair was back to that same length a year later. I loved it, really did, but I figured if my hair can grow more than 10 inches in a year, I should make it a yearly cut. So, I looked around, sucked it up, and went right back in to get it cut one more time. Now I know a lot of you haven't seen me for a couple years; but that's why I have pictures to show you how big of a change this was. I don't take pictures of myself usually, so finding pictures to show the difference of my hair can be tough, but hopefully you can see the transformation with the pictures I did find. My hair should be back to it's long normal length in a year, so maybe I'll have to do it again.

1 comment:

Enjoy the Journey said...

Good job donator! My hair DOES NOT grow that fast... BRAT