Saturday, November 10, 2007

It's finally Complete!

1. I collect Tiggers. I currently have over 50 of the stuffed things. 2. I love sports. Volleyball and Basketball mainly, but I love to watch ‘em all.
3. I love to travel. I even have a map that has pins in each major city I’ve been to see.
4. I have 5 brothers and one sister. Me and my sister, we’re close, but we are completely different.
5. I can speak German, English and very bad Spanish.
6. I love candy with peanut butter in them. Peanut Butter M&Ms, Reeses, butterfingers, yum!
7. I have a friend who wrote the “Top ten Reasons Sara Ray really isn’t married or dating seriously…”
8. I have a strange taste in music. I like bands such as Fall Out Boy, but then I also like Mario.
9. I still use the same blanket my grandmother made for me when I graduated from Middle School.
10. I wear glasses when I’m in class or driving.
11. I’ve owned 2 cars in my 20 years of life, both have been given male names.
12. I went to Prom my freshman, sophomore and junior year of High School. I didn’t go my senior year.
13. I love Oreos and have specific ways to eat them.
14. I have come to love the color blue due to me wanting to rebel against the girly color PINK.
15. I love Arizona rainstorms, but hate German ones.
16. I actually like cleaning. It’s finding the time to do it that’s hard. But if my room’s really messy I usually end up reorganizing the whole space.
17. I have been told that I am a really hard person to shop for.
18. I have to check my email daily. Most of the time I leave my messenger on so I can see when I have new emails.
19. I have recently started wearing scarves with everything.
20. I’m an Army brat. I know no other life.
21. I recently decided to move back to Arizona to return to ASU, I don’t think I’ve ever been more scared in my life.
22. I play the flute and piano.
23. I love the word “skank”. It’s a term of endearment for me.
24. I enjoy math and science. As long as it isn’t Trig or physics.
25. I have been to 6 temples throughout the world.
26. I hate being cold. I used to need a sweater with anything under 80; but I was without a jacket the other day when it was 55.
27. I went out with a guy once who was 10 years older than me.
28. I have only gone on one blind date and have sworn to never do it again.
29. I think the “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” is a good movie.
30. I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon
31. I was 6 credits away from getting my AA in German before I decided to transfer back to ASU.
32. I like to ask random questions.
33. I used to race barrels.
34. I have never been in love.
35. I hate chick flicks.
36. I enjoy learning new things.
37. I hate it when my name is spelled with an H on the end.
38. I want to work with the military in some aspect as a physical therapist.
39. I have had my share of regrets in life, key is to learn from them and move on.
40. I find that I wear pants. Even if the temperature is 90+.
41. I have lived in 4 different states, 3 different countries, and 7 different cities.
42. I wonder if anyone is still reading this.
43. I can’t mix Nikes with Reeboks.
44. I’ve always been more of a “Guys gal” which means I make friends easier with guys; and that’s normally all it ever amounts to.
45. I have only lived in Arizona for 18 months of my entire life; it’s where I consider home.
46. I have only worn make-up once in my life and it was to do some headshots for a modeling portfolio.
47. I graduated High School in front of the Great Pyramids of Giza.
48. I had a basketball award named after me my sophomore year of High School.
49. I think dark Red is the color that looks best on me.
50. I am very hard headed.
51. I like being right but can admit it when I’m not.
52. I am a bigger fan of Nike than of Reebok.
53. I have had more injuries while living in Germany for a year and half than I have ever had in my life.
54. I like Daffy Duck.
55. I miss being able to go to a Sun Devils game Saturday afternoons.
56. I am a Goofy fan.
57. I loved Egypt and would do just about anything to go back.
58. I like the movie “The Break-up” because it doesn’t end in a fairy-tale way all other movies end.
59. I am not a cynic, I’m a realist.
60. I have a list of qualities I want my future husband to have.
61. I hate the word ‘homemaker’ to describe what I could someday be doing.
62. I do not stress over me being 20 and never having a real committed relationship.
63. I like Turkey Day for the Football.
64. I have had asthma since I was young but it is mild.
65. I like to have a plan for what I would like my life to amount to; I’ve taken the timeline off of it though.
66. I am the tallest child in my family and arguably taller than my father.
67. I don’t like to do laundry, but I love wearing clothes right out of the dryer.
68. I travelled to Spain in March to take a class on Hemingway.
69. I was once a trained lifeguard; I loved it, and hope to be once again.
70. I have major trust issues.
71. I love music but I hate to sing unless in my car.
72. I have a suite that consists of a bedroom, a computer room and a bathroom.
73. I don’t like to share my birthday with people.
74. I have OCD like qualities.
75. I am a cynic when it comes to love.
76. I have a small notebook that I write random thoughts and feelings in.
77. I am on a community volleyball team for the Army.
78. I like to wear baggy shirts.
79. I once cut my hair eleven inches to donate to a charity.
80. I hate shots.
81. I have crystal from the Czech Republic and Germany.
82. I am the last of my group of friends who is not married.
83. I wear my CTR ring on my left ring finger, helps to ward unwanted guys away.
84. I was jumped by five Moroccan guys when I travelled to Belgium my senior year of High School.
85. I worry about my family and often let that get in the way of what I should be doing.
86. I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch cartoons; cartoons from my youth.
87. I was born in 1987.
88. I don’t like the ocean.
89. I don’t tan very easy.
90. I hate secrets.
91. I like the number 12.
92. I live from one pay check to the next.
93. I have never snuck out of my house, but I have stayed out all night.
94. I scored an even 1000 on the SATs.
95. I want to be married in the Mesa, Arizona, temple.
96. I have a thing for Australian and English accents.
97. I have made friends from a large number of countries; ranging from Nepal to Senegal, all the way to Finland.
98. I have a love for photography.
99. I cannot function without my thumb ring; it makes me nervous when I don’t have it on.
100. I have been working on this for 6 months and it is finally completed!

1 comment:

Enjoy the Journey said...

Taller then your dad for real? Or just in shoes?
Too bad you aren't here to attend this fantastic season of Sun Devil Football! 9-1 baby!
Number 85 is very true!
And Turkey day isn't Turkey day without your mom's rolls! I think she should come back so I can have a good Turkey day dinner again!
And you suck for getting to travel and LIVE in so many places!