Monday, November 19, 2007

Random Pictures

I like to drive my car, I also like to take pictures. So when you put the two together guess what you get...

Random Pictures that actually turn out good.

So this day I was heading over to Eric's house, it was Veteran's day so we had nothing to do. I love days when I can just chill and relax. So it was a cloudy day, is that a surprise? NO!

I like this picture more. More clouds, but look, you can see where/what I'm driving on. :) Haha, the autobahn. I tried to get a picture of my spedometer, but it would turn out blurry. Just trust me, I was driving 145 clicks (90 MPH).

This picture turned out real nice, this is the exit to Eric's house, the road is scary during the winter cuz as you can kind of see it's just a BIG drop!

I love these signs, basically saying "You can now go FAST!" Haha! What I love about this picture is it just seems to be perfectly set with the rule of thirds and I wasn't even trying. Ah, more clouds, and look, trees!

These next few are of a sunset I saw while driving off base after work one day, yes, at 1630 the sun does set in Germany. The colors just seemed so nice. But my favorite is one of the ones below.

And here is my favorite:

Germany's weather sucks, but they do get some pretty cool sunsets.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

It's finally Complete!

1. I collect Tiggers. I currently have over 50 of the stuffed things. 2. I love sports. Volleyball and Basketball mainly, but I love to watch ‘em all.
3. I love to travel. I even have a map that has pins in each major city I’ve been to see.
4. I have 5 brothers and one sister. Me and my sister, we’re close, but we are completely different.
5. I can speak German, English and very bad Spanish.
6. I love candy with peanut butter in them. Peanut Butter M&Ms, Reeses, butterfingers, yum!
7. I have a friend who wrote the “Top ten Reasons Sara Ray really isn’t married or dating seriously…”
8. I have a strange taste in music. I like bands such as Fall Out Boy, but then I also like Mario.
9. I still use the same blanket my grandmother made for me when I graduated from Middle School.
10. I wear glasses when I’m in class or driving.
11. I’ve owned 2 cars in my 20 years of life, both have been given male names.
12. I went to Prom my freshman, sophomore and junior year of High School. I didn’t go my senior year.
13. I love Oreos and have specific ways to eat them.
14. I have come to love the color blue due to me wanting to rebel against the girly color PINK.
15. I love Arizona rainstorms, but hate German ones.
16. I actually like cleaning. It’s finding the time to do it that’s hard. But if my room’s really messy I usually end up reorganizing the whole space.
17. I have been told that I am a really hard person to shop for.
18. I have to check my email daily. Most of the time I leave my messenger on so I can see when I have new emails.
19. I have recently started wearing scarves with everything.
20. I’m an Army brat. I know no other life.
21. I recently decided to move back to Arizona to return to ASU, I don’t think I’ve ever been more scared in my life.
22. I play the flute and piano.
23. I love the word “skank”. It’s a term of endearment for me.
24. I enjoy math and science. As long as it isn’t Trig or physics.
25. I have been to 6 temples throughout the world.
26. I hate being cold. I used to need a sweater with anything under 80; but I was without a jacket the other day when it was 55.
27. I went out with a guy once who was 10 years older than me.
28. I have only gone on one blind date and have sworn to never do it again.
29. I think the “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” is a good movie.
30. I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon
31. I was 6 credits away from getting my AA in German before I decided to transfer back to ASU.
32. I like to ask random questions.
33. I used to race barrels.
34. I have never been in love.
35. I hate chick flicks.
36. I enjoy learning new things.
37. I hate it when my name is spelled with an H on the end.
38. I want to work with the military in some aspect as a physical therapist.
39. I have had my share of regrets in life, key is to learn from them and move on.
40. I find that I wear pants. Even if the temperature is 90+.
41. I have lived in 4 different states, 3 different countries, and 7 different cities.
42. I wonder if anyone is still reading this.
43. I can’t mix Nikes with Reeboks.
44. I’ve always been more of a “Guys gal” which means I make friends easier with guys; and that’s normally all it ever amounts to.
45. I have only lived in Arizona for 18 months of my entire life; it’s where I consider home.
46. I have only worn make-up once in my life and it was to do some headshots for a modeling portfolio.
47. I graduated High School in front of the Great Pyramids of Giza.
48. I had a basketball award named after me my sophomore year of High School.
49. I think dark Red is the color that looks best on me.
50. I am very hard headed.
51. I like being right but can admit it when I’m not.
52. I am a bigger fan of Nike than of Reebok.
53. I have had more injuries while living in Germany for a year and half than I have ever had in my life.
54. I like Daffy Duck.
55. I miss being able to go to a Sun Devils game Saturday afternoons.
56. I am a Goofy fan.
57. I loved Egypt and would do just about anything to go back.
58. I like the movie “The Break-up” because it doesn’t end in a fairy-tale way all other movies end.
59. I am not a cynic, I’m a realist.
60. I have a list of qualities I want my future husband to have.
61. I hate the word ‘homemaker’ to describe what I could someday be doing.
62. I do not stress over me being 20 and never having a real committed relationship.
63. I like Turkey Day for the Football.
64. I have had asthma since I was young but it is mild.
65. I like to have a plan for what I would like my life to amount to; I’ve taken the timeline off of it though.
66. I am the tallest child in my family and arguably taller than my father.
67. I don’t like to do laundry, but I love wearing clothes right out of the dryer.
68. I travelled to Spain in March to take a class on Hemingway.
69. I was once a trained lifeguard; I loved it, and hope to be once again.
70. I have major trust issues.
71. I love music but I hate to sing unless in my car.
72. I have a suite that consists of a bedroom, a computer room and a bathroom.
73. I don’t like to share my birthday with people.
74. I have OCD like qualities.
75. I am a cynic when it comes to love.
76. I have a small notebook that I write random thoughts and feelings in.
77. I am on a community volleyball team for the Army.
78. I like to wear baggy shirts.
79. I once cut my hair eleven inches to donate to a charity.
80. I hate shots.
81. I have crystal from the Czech Republic and Germany.
82. I am the last of my group of friends who is not married.
83. I wear my CTR ring on my left ring finger, helps to ward unwanted guys away.
84. I was jumped by five Moroccan guys when I travelled to Belgium my senior year of High School.
85. I worry about my family and often let that get in the way of what I should be doing.
86. I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch cartoons; cartoons from my youth.
87. I was born in 1987.
88. I don’t like the ocean.
89. I don’t tan very easy.
90. I hate secrets.
91. I like the number 12.
92. I live from one pay check to the next.
93. I have never snuck out of my house, but I have stayed out all night.
94. I scored an even 1000 on the SATs.
95. I want to be married in the Mesa, Arizona, temple.
96. I have a thing for Australian and English accents.
97. I have made friends from a large number of countries; ranging from Nepal to Senegal, all the way to Finland.
98. I have a love for photography.
99. I cannot function without my thumb ring; it makes me nervous when I don’t have it on.
100. I have been working on this for 6 months and it is finally completed!

Friday, November 9, 2007

I love 'em!

So I don't know how many ya'll know this, but I friggin LOVE Oreos!

It's a new discovery. Before I would eat them if they was there or if I was in the mood for some dirt, but now? Oh, I have been eatin them last night, today at work, and tonight when I got home at like midnight!

So how, you may ask, do I eat them? With milk, hehe! A few techniques...

Drop it in, wait until you think it's nice and soft and then eat it. You don't want it to be soggy, but you don't want it to be hard still. It's difficult to time it, if you wait too long it'll sink, not long enough it'll still be hard.

Dunk it. Hold that sucker down in the milk until bubbles stop rising up from the milk. This lets you know that it's good to eat. Let me tell you, I've had years to perfect this, and it's good. TRUST YOU ME!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Ah, so this week has been so friggin crazy. I've been running around trying to get all my schedule to work so I can get everything I need to done. I've been searching for financial aid, studying for finals, booking hostels, finding someone to take me to the airport on Friday, honestly, it's been crazy!

Searching for scholarships is fun... totally! No, it's good, I'm finding a lot that I seem to be eligible for, the problem is that I have to put work into it. Do you know how crazy that is? Finding people to write my recommendations for me, finding times to write essays, honestly, CRAZY!!! Problem with recommendations is that I only see one teacher 16 times throughout a term. Which means they really don't get to know me. Which sucks, because a lot of these scholarships recquire a recomendation from someone who knows me on an educational level... DARN MY FRIGGIN LUCK!

I've got finals this week, as you can probably tell. Good news is that I only have one more. YAY! :) It's about freakin time though! After this final I will be done with online classes. I'm so happy for that. I really am. I'm tired of taking classes through the net. Not to mention, after this final I will have 6 weeks of class left in my German class and then, then I will be done with UMUC. Whether I go home or not! Muwhaha!

So then, I'm going to Rome on Friday, yeah, 2 days away! I'm freaking out here. I mean I'm just not sure I'm ready... I love the opportunity to go, honestly it'll probably be my last trip that I go on before I leave here. Which is sad, but whatever. So I still haven't booked the hostel. I know which one I want to stay at, but I have to book it... darn! Why did I get stuck booking EVERYTHING!

Then I have to find someone to take me to the airport on Friday. It's a pain! I think I have someone, but it's just so tedious. Oh well...

So other than that, life is good. I'm starting to look at my rooms and trying to find things that I will ship home, and other things I will leave here. It's not as easy as it sounds. I have to figure out what I'm going to do. Spencer and I may just end up living together. I would feel safer that way, but at the same time that then makes it close to 3-400 $$ for us to each pay rent with. Which is hard. Let's be honest. We'll see what happens though. Who knows, I may be the only one going home.

Alright, I'm going to get back to cleaning my room, hopefully I can get something done.

Saturday, November 3, 2007


So I'm starting to enjoy Halloween. Last week I went to a party with some of my volleyball friends. Oops, I didn't take my camera, but I have some pictures of me with this guy I know.
Ok, so I was lazy, and yeah, I went as the future Ms. Amare Stoudemire... AGAIN, this guy, Q, yeah, he went as Justin Timberlake from SNL. Don't ask... I don't even understand it. So that party was ok, but I just didn't put a lot of thought into it.

The next week, last night, I went to a party the MTC put on, it was good. So we'll start with everyone else's costumes and then go to mine. So first we'll start with Eric, haha, you know I love you Eric!

Say Hello to the Messenger of Love, no, it's not Cupid, this is Flutters: the Messenger of Love. Long story how he got that name, but that'll be another story.

Flutters had the pink panther, who you will see later, make him some wings and so when she got there they had to be attached to him. Haha, then the Crayon got in on the action. Finally Flutters got his wings on. And he looked good.

Next we have the red crayon and Serena from Bewitched. Yes, the crayon did make her own costume.

Our English princess. She really is from England. It's crazy, but we all love her.

Ok, now here is Ana, she is cool. She is German but is fun. Whenever I'm around her I would say something in German then we both get kicks when I say, "Don't worry, I'm fluent in German." Sad thing is: my accent is probably HORRIBLE or I say simple things like, "wie gehets?" Haha, So she came as an American. Plaid shirt, brown t-shirt, jeans and she even had on some boots. I don't know if that is what she really came as, but I told her, you look like you came as an American. She liked it. What's so fun is normally she is very formal and always looking professional. I wonder who she borrowed the clothes from ;) Love you Ana.

So then we had a pirate, cuz honestly, ever since POTC there hasn't been one costume party I haven't seen a pirate at.

The Pirate is attacking the Pink Pantherin this next one, yes, she is a tail-less Pink Panther, crazy, but yeah.

So that's everyone, let's get to me and Spud now, so here's Spud and we'll see if you can guess what I went as... It's Stevie Nash... when he's not playing ball of course. Nice casual look.

Now, what did Sara go as? Well I will tell you, I did not go as Ms. Nash or Stoudemire. Haha, here's the picture!

I went as AMARE himself. Nice huh? So then the two of us together. We look pretty good huh?

It was fun, really, and I'm starting to like the whole idea of Halloween. I have ideas for when and IF I get into a relationship or married. Spud and I already have our idea for next year, oh... it's a good one!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sara Meets the Physical Therapist

So I got to talk to him... FINALLY! YAY! You have no idea how happy I was when he told me he could meet with me on Tuesday! I was EXTREMELY happy! I know this P.T. through a friend, it's her husband. He went to Baylor, which is the Army school for P.T., and he has an intern with him now that had just graduated from Baylor; needless to say, I picked their brains.

When I first realized I wanted to go on to get my Ph. D. in P.T. Baylor was one of the schools that popped up. I'm not sure why, but it did. I just did a quick Google, this was about a year ago now. Baylor is actually ranked in the top 5 schools for P.T., but again it's an Army school which means you HAVE to serve 4 years active duty once you graduate and then you put in two years of active duty reserves. How that works, I don't know. haha! So it turns out that Baylor actually has a REALLY good pass rate. Only 1% of their students fail. And even less than that fails out of the program.

Why this may be is because you are getting paid as a 2nd Lt. as soon as you get accepted and start the school. Uncle Sam is putting all this money into you, don't you think that Uncle Sam wants you to pass? Yeah. So what the instructors and other faculty does is they actually care about you and want you to pass, amazing huh?

So ask me, "Sara, why are you looking so deeply into a school that would make you go active duty into the Army?" I answer, "Well silly, because." *Side note, in German you know it's interesting, if someone said 'because I feel like it' or 'because I don't want to', you know that's an acceptable answer and it would cause for the conversation to stop.*

So here's the real reasons why: I already have so many student loans, and it SUCKS! I want to be out of them so quickly. I want to be a PT where I can help people that can't really help themselves. (I know it sounds corney, but when I was going through PT for my knee last year I saw a bunch of soldiers who had come up from downrange in the rehab and I want to help them.) So, here's the glorious side of it, I know I keep getting off track, buuuut...

As soon as I get in, they pay for my school: 2 years of working towards my Ph. D. TOTALLY PAID FOR by UNCLE SAM himself

I get paid to go to school: As soon as I sign them papers and start OBT (Officer Basic Training), they start paying me as a 2nd Lt. I am not too sure what the pay will be at the time I get in, but right now it's 2,469.30 a month. Not bad eh? That's about 25,000 + a year.

I make rank fast: While in school I will make 1st; by the time I graduate from the program and am out in the job field I will make Capt within a year. I'm not one to say, Oh look at me, I'm a Capt. But honestly, that's a great achievement.

I get good training: Let's face it, the gov't wants to take care of their soldiers. Why then would they give a bad education that they are paying for, basically twice. I talked to the intern and she said by the time you get done with the mandatory internship and your 2 year project you will have a great knowledge of the information and feel confident enough to work wherever they send you.

I really just want to be a PT: Honestly, it's what I want to do. It was either this or work with sports medicine. Going this way school gets paid for, I get paid and have a guaranteed job for as long as I want it.


I don't think I can find a guy willing to marry me while I'm in the program, or just before I enter it and then follow me around the world for 4 years. I know it's tough.

4 years is a while to give

I have to really work hard for my Ph. D. and especially with them. I have to start now. Don't get me wrong, I think I can do it, I am not a slacker, but seriously, it will probably be one of the harder things I've done in my life.

So there you have it. What I'm thinking with my PT dream... Want to know the best thing about doing it this way? My father AND my brothers, if Spud joins too, would have to salute me! Haha, so that's not a BIG deciding factor, but it's fun to say!

German class: A great place to think

So I like to think in German class. I sit there with my notebook for German and my notebook for my thoughts. It's good...

So here's my once again, TENTATIVE decisions, ready? *The good news is they are getting more and more concrete*

January 2008: Move back to AZ, start school again at ASU for Spring term of 2007-2008.

Yes, the mission is being put on hold, not so much hold, but it's not being given a time that it has to be done by...

I would hopefully graduate by May 2009. Maybe I'll go on my mission then. Come home, around December 2010. Who knows then, Baylor is a good option.

If something happens and you all end up seeing me in white instead, cool. Things will change, but I HAVE to get my BS. I've decided it's a MUST NEED for this day and age. I mean honestly, what if something happens and I need to work. It's hard finding a job carrying that BS as it is. Can you imagine doing it without one? I can't. Gee.

I like writing. Can you tell? I dont' think anyone reads these, but it's theraputic for me. And I like it!