So, I have a friend (YES, I have a friend) who has a rather interesting outlook on the stages of relationship desires as it pertains to both men and women. I thought I might share them with everyone.
Age 18-22, you either want to play someone or be played. At this stage of life most people are just wanting to get some action and don't really care who it comes from or who they hurt to get it. A lot of times you will see the girls going for the bad boys and the men going for the skanky girls.
Age 23-26, that PERFECT somebody is so close! At this stage women know who Mr. PERFECT is and men know who Ms. PERFECT is; but neither of them know WHERE they are. A lot of times this can cause for the guy or girl to not really want to date anyone they see NOT as their PERFECT somebody.
Age 27-30, take whatever you can get. This is the time when you are starting to reach the top of the hill so whatever you can get is probably all you can get. So take whatever it is you can get.
Now these stages are rather controversial and based mainly on level of maturity. They are not all set in stone, you can fudge a year or two (it is said that men are to be given 2 years since they tend not to mature as fast) but there are VERY FEW exceptions.
Where do I land in this? I don't know.
I don't think any of these and this is why I see this model as somewhat controversial. What about the guy or girl who is just looking to find who they like, I'm not sure what I want in a man anymore but I know I'm not looking to be played and I know I don't have a Mr. PERFECT out there, but I'm not willing to take whatever I can get.
So where do I fall?