Spring break!!!! Who doesn't like Spring Break? I like it, and I'm not even in school to enjoy it right now. I just like having the ability to go and do fun things when or if we want to. School holds us all back. So this year we hung around Kaiserslautern and did some fun things, the first of which was bowling.
Grandmother getting ready, yeah, she's about to whoop up on someone.
This is Mo and I setting up our teams. Boys vs. Girls!!! Girls so totally kicked the boys' trash! Grandma, Mom and myself against Mo, Simeon and Alex and we still beat 'em!
Simeon was using the heaviest ball or us all... yes, we all used bumpers; no other way to play honestly.
Look at that form. Dad would be so proud!
Like mother, like daughter.
Sim picks up a spare.
I'm pretty sure Mo missed this one, but I can't remember. I only say that cuz I beat him anyhow!
Grandma, lining up to pick up the spare.
Sweet Alex, aka Queen Ally that day, bowling the 'grown up way'.
Mom going for the spare.
I love the way grandmother keeps her eye on the ball.
Mom missed the spare, but it's ok, we still beat the boys!
Alex showing off his Pink ball... yeah, he likes Pink; it's ok...
Look at that face, she's so happy it's Spring Break too!
And Steph, goof ball played photographer instead of bowling.
At the end of Spring Break we were lucky enough to have the oldest Ray child and the recently married Ray child, Cody, come to visit us. He got stationed down in Stuttgart so a hop-skip-and jump is all it is up to see us.
Affectionately named Do-do he likes to be petted like a dog. Yeah, he's a goof too.
We all woke up actually kind of late for a holiday morning and looked for Easter eggs, or rather the little boys did. Can you imagine what these four are looking at???
How about a gi-gantic basket of candy that the easter bunny left for us? Yeah, we'll all be needing trips to the dentist soon.
When it was time to start the egg hunt Cody helped Simeon up off the couch with a nice little shove. Thanks Big Brother Dodo!
After seeing that Alex decided to get up on his own. LET THE HUNT BEGIN!!!!
Alex was a good little egg hunter finding a lot of his eggs fast.
Sim was not far behind him, but he did tend to find the harder eggs.
Alex got the most excited though and thought he was cool as all heck.
Mom had to get involved a couple times and help the short ones from breaking anything.
Cody had to entertain the dog so she wouldn't think the eggs as balls and start playing with them. After being around Cody though
She started rubbing on the floor and scratching herself. I think she was trying to get rid of the fleas Cody might have given her.
Along with tons of Candy stuffed animals are tradition in our house for Easter. They are always fun and so cute!!!
Yep, the chick is mine... duh! Us chicks gotta stick together.
An egg hidden in the jungle forest... ok, so it's only a house plant but it was the LAST one to be found.
These are some of our decorated eggs. Yep, Easter sure is a fun holiday at the Ray house!