This first sweety is Roxanne, she is our female border-collie. She can be a pest at time, but what indoor dog isn't?
She is rather pretty though and can be a true sweetheart...
Then we have Oliver, our recently adopted Calico kitten. He was only 14 weeks when we got him back in September; turned out it's previous owner was actually allergic to it and instead of finding it a new home just opened the door and let him out. Poor guy... So there is a lid for a garbage can that we had sitting on the floor one day and when we went to pick it up to put it back on the garbage can we got a nice little surprise.
Oliver popped out and started attacking us. Lucky for us he doesn't use his claws if he knows it is your hand or foot... just to be safe we let him play with shoe-laces and pens.
The whole point we started looking for a cat, or at least my reasoning, is so Roxy would have a playmate so she would not be so bored during the day... Needless to say that after she got over her fear of Oliver they've gotten along just nicely. It's funny, sometimes he's not in the mood to play and sometimes she isn't... Now if only their moods would match.